Sunday, September 5, 2010

Chobots Haiku

Hey everyone, coffee2353 here! I thought of a cool contest today. You have to write a Chobots Haiku! For those who don't know what a haiku is, its a 3 line poem. But here is the trick: in a haiku you can only have 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second line, and five again in the last line. It doesn't have to rhyme, it just has to follow the 5 7 5 syllable pattern and can only be 3 lines. If you want to make more than one Haiku for the contest, go ahead but I will only pick one to win. Please don't make more than 3 haikus.
Here is an example if you still don't know what a haiku is:

Chobots is awesome,
I have great friends and play games,
I love Chobots lots

Okay, so start writing! Winners pick their prize:
1. I will draw you and you can be in a comic by me
2. I will draw you and add you
3. I will draw you and 1,000 bugs(if you pick this one I give people bugs by letting them win space racing so it could take a while for us to meet up and stuff)



  1. This is my haiku, hope you like it:

    Not ordinary,
    Extraordinary chobots.
    Play games, meet friends, FUN!

    By Twirlz
    i know, not that creative, but i tried!

  2. Chobots is the best
    Playing games and earning bugs
    The best game in town

    Fantastic people
    Meeting friends and having fun
    It is so awesome

    By Vasa12345

  3. This is my haiku.

    Chobots rocks my socks
    Great game for kids and adults
    Fun with everyone!

    Good luck to all competitors :D

  4. Here's my entry:

    Chobots is very fun,
    it is so fun for us all,
    Come join all our fun!


  5. my name is cosfromwebo.Heres mine x)

    Chobots is so fun,
    Play games with my friends I have,
    chobots is the best!

  6. What day is the best,
    monday when I go on cho,
    it's for everyone!

