Sunday, February 28, 2010

Comment Problems

The title says it all, and, we are working on fixing the problem! Please don't panic, the contest is delayed, I'm not accepting any entries for now! Keep checking the blog for regular posts.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


as u see we have some new pages up now i will updatign them soon but now i need 2 more pages 2 add do u guys got any ideas?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Next Contest Announced!

I'm going to get right down to business! The next contest is the "Name The Chobots Place Contest!" Here's how it works, I'm posting 7 small snip-its of places around Chobots. The first person to guess which room all of the places are in correctly wins 1000 bugs! Here is the picture!

click for better quality.

No copy and pasting other people's answers. Please list all your answers IN ORDER of 1-7 or the entry will not count. Please keep your guess in ONE comment.

UPDATE: Do you guys think this is too hard? I don't have a single entry yet....

-coffee2353 :)

Furniture Design Winners!

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting sooner. We've been undergoing some work on our blog (I made the new temporary header) which kept me busy, along with all the other things I have to do for Chobots. I will be back to posting most everyday, so check the blog every now and then! Okay... what is fist in my long list of stuff to post about? Aha! The Furniture Design Contest Winners! I must admit it was hard to choose the winners. I would like to start off by saying that everyone did great, some just impressed me more :) In the rules of the contest I am pretty sure I said to be creative and that was the main thing I was looking for, also since it was a drawing contest, it was how well the drawing was drawn! So, with no further ado... I give you the winners!
1. Boy11 won 1200 bugs for his beanbag chair! He won because his idea was creative, original, well drawn, and I'm sure he had fun making it!
2. Allstar0014 won 1000 bugs for the awesome grand piano design! This was very well drawn and creative. It was original because there is no Chobots furniture that plays music... yet!
3. Sarahd11 won 500 bugs for her awesome Pet House! I often wondered why our pets don't have anything of their own! Very original and creative!
Everyone who won will have their design sent to support! Great job! Next contest announced soon! And I just wanted to note that a TV wasn't original because we already have one, even though it doesn't work. Still, great jobs everyone!
Next on my agenda is to ask you guys if you like the new updates! I know the dark blue writing is hard to read, but if you highlight it with your mouse you can read it until we have this fixed! Comment what you think :)
Another order of business.... there's an agent poll on main blog! Hmm.... who are you voting for?
Also, do you guys like the new updates of the Chobot character? Personally I don't, but there's a lot of controversy going on about it.
Okay, that's all for now! I'll post later about next contest, sometime today. Maybe in like, 10 minutes! Oh and before I forget, please comment a time that you can meet me for your prize and we can work something out. Bai!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


ok guys first of all there is a new cloths rotation and new hair thry bought back the tutu and earings next is we are going to be haveing gadget updates and more i want to ask u guys what gadgets should we add?:P

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Party Results!

Hey guys, the place I picked for the party ended up being pretty crowded already! So people caught on that it was a party. I'm sorry to say Zarich didn't show up :( but we still had an awesome time! :) Everyone chipped in with their own magic, and one nice Chobot made us a rainbow! We all used cool magic, and then spread magic! Pretty cool, huh? I made a collage of all the little pics that I took! It was obvious to see who was part of the party, we all crowded together for magic and were talking about Zarich! :)

Click for better quality

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Party!

Don't forget about the Valentine's Day party! Check out the main blog,, there is going to be parties all day! But we're gonna have a big party of our own! Look at older posts for the deets. Have fun :) Tell your friends :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Drawing Contest!

For the drawing contest you guys voted for I have decided what you will have to draw! Draw a cool new furniture item design for Chobots! The only rules are to be creative, be original, and have fun! I will send the winner's design to support, post on about it (cuz its a design), and they will win 1,000 bugs! Get designing!


Well, I'm going to leave that finished poll up for a while (reeter/zarich don't delete it!) so that we can have contests in the order that they won! Our first contest will be a drawing one, but I will have to think up an exciting thing to draw. Stay tuned!

Also, vote on what you think the room that is "under construction" on the map will be! Just click on the map, and look at the place below your home. It says "under construction"! Hmmmm....


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentines day party reminder!

:] I'd like to remind all of you about my party for Valentine's Day! Be there or be square! I'll post again a day before party!
Scroll down and look at the other posts, the invite is on one of them! Click to enlarge it! :] I hope you all come, and have tons of fun!

Also, we have someone making us an official header, but until that is ready, I'm really not in the Christmas mood anymore -our header is still Christmas-y! So.... I'm having a quick header contest. Just include our names (Zarich, Reeter, and Coffee2353) and the title of the blog, the rest is left to your imagination! As soon as the person making our header has it done the temporary header will be replaced! Winner's header will be used + 1000 bugs!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where Are You? Poll Results!

I realize I'm a little late, but here are the results to the Where Are You? poll! Well, here's a little re-run of the info I already gave you:
No one can live in Antarctica because it's too cold to sustain life! So keep that in mind while you read the results... (hehe) Also,
Most of you are in North America, which isn't much of a surprise to me (heres a fun fact: I'm in North America too)! The second most fans-of-zarichs-blog-pupulated-country is Europe! Pretty cool! Third place is Asia, that is so awesome, I wish I could visit Asia! Now listen to this, fourth place is Antarctica (sorry guys, you are dead right now if you live in Antarctica :P).... so technically the REAL fourth place is Australia. Another place I wish I could go to. It seems like an awesome place, plus they got kangaroos and koalas! Fifth place is South America, only four people! Last place is Africa, which had zero people living there. I do have a friend on Chobots who said they live there though! Well, those are all pretty awesome places to live!
My last topic is on my art! Look at this picture I drew in real life and tell me what you think by commenting!
-coffee2353 happy valentine's day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

150 followers party!

zarich isnt the only one who go pics.the party was awsome maybe we can have one for a 200 followers party here are some pics

Sunday, February 7, 2010

151 Followers Party

Congratulations, for our authors Reeter, Coffee2353. I have caught some picture

Saturday, February 6, 2010

hello party pplz!

zarich is back! so to celerbrate it were going to have a 150 followers party! sunday 20:00 chotime i might not be there but i will try ok

dont forget to comment :)

Zarich Got On!

Zarich got on for the first time in about 20 days (he isn't on much) and we had a really tiny party! I didn't get a whole screen shot, but I got these two pics:

Zarich and me both were jammin' on our guitars!!!

Zar rained magic lanz and star balloons! Fun!!!!

V-Day Party

I worked hard on the invite, so tada:
click to enlarge :)


Thursday, February 4, 2010


YAY! We gots 151 followers! Party time! Comment where and when you think the party should be and the theme! Best theme will be chosen by me and that is what theme will be! Tell your friends!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Valentines!

I discovered this masterpiece picture by Sara1001 today! Happy valentines!

Click for bigger and better quality!

New Poll/Followers

Vote for the next type of contest you want on the latest poll! Please don't comment other types of contests, I just want you to vote on the poll! Keep voting on the other poll too. Cya on Chobots!

Guess what I just noticed!!!!! WE HAVE 148 FOLLOWERS! We need just TWO more to get to 150... who knows, maybe that means PARTY!! Tell your friends to follow!


Potter909's Bday!

Happy birthday to Potter909! He is one year old! Normally I wouldn't post about birthdays because I'd be making a post everyday if I did, but this man had TWO big parties! So much magic and fun! Since I was using Bigscreen Chobots I will post a link to the pics instead of actually posting them, they would be really big otherwise!
First, here is Potter's party with Jessie200! I took bunches of pix and put them into one collage. As you can see we started out in the underground where Potter had been drawing, I snapped a few pix there, then we moved to the park where I snapped another pic... then we moved to the Cafe St. and it really got crazy with rain and magic! Jessie was there and hosted a Potter-1year-party/Jessie-random-party! Jessie is such a kind person, we were all making jokes and it was just genuine fun.
Second, here is Potter's party with Hiki AND Cat! This happened a half hour to an hour after the first party. This was my first time meeting Cat and he is really fun! Hiki also used some weird magic, she made us have lollipops/hypnotzing-disk-things on our backs... that is what the swirly things are! But it was really fun with all the classic magic too! Hiki also rained some stuff which was very nice of her. Cat came after Hiki did. We had a BLAST!
Third, I drew this for Potter's Bday! Hope you like it! :)
Those were some fun parties! Talk to y'all later! Bye!