Sunday, May 23, 2010

Poll results

Theres a new poll, but here are the old poll results! 15 people LOVED the new template on the poll "Do you like the new template?" 6 people said "not really" which I understand because the posting is a little confusing looking at first. "Its okay" and "It could be better" tied with 5 votes! So the results are in... most people loved it :D Although, we did have a fair amount that thought otherwise so maybe we will update it :) hmm only 31 votes? Let's see how many we have on the next one! :)))
ps... an update on the contest thing... i will add more after all but I have better ideas for them :)


  1. Awww :( 6 people didn't like it :(
    Reeter told me what to do and what colours etc.I did what he asked :) At least 15 people liked it :)

  2. I voted could be better because the header is only a pic of reeter.

  3. @djvilas well i like it :) i sorta like the old space theme though.... but then again my fave colors r orange and purple! We ddnt hav as many votes as normal on tht poll so it wasnt too accurate anyway!
    @cp13 its not reeter.... that is zarich in the first outfit he ever wore on Chobots so idk why u think its reeter!
