Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Suggestions :)

I'd like to make this blog more fun and flashy :) To prove I'm serious, I added a pic over there <<<<< on this post only I want you to give us any suggestions you would like to see on the blog! New mixpod music? More polls? Pictures? Chobots stuff? More pages? It's your descision! Just give us some specifics to go with the basic suggestions! Which song? What kinds of polls? Pictures of what? Chobots hints or tips or guides? What pages? Who knows, maybe you're idea will be on the blog! Pretty cool! I'll take the suggestions that we can do, put them on a poll, and you can vote! The top 3 get added to the blog. Maybe if they're good enough, we'll add even more! So give us your suggestions, we'd really like to know!


  1. I don't ignore any mod blogs!Maybe you could add kryptonite and afterlife to your mixpod.Maybe you can add more authors that are trustworthy so you don't have to post all the time.You could make tips about becoming an agent and make a daily or weekly contest like a spot this or this contest.Your polls can be about who should be mod or agent or a whats your favorite cho abberiveation (and try to spell words that are long wrong sometimes).Like brb,afk,rofl,O.O, and others.Maybe like a new page (this can also be your daily/weekly thing) that has like each week a house design.You make everyone decorate their house and pick 2 peeps to win each day/ or week.Im sorry for making you read so long but that's what I've got!!!!

  2. it wasnt too long at all :) in fact, i like many of the suggestions :P

  3. I think you sould add more Mix pod songs and some more polls.

  4. Me too i am trying to do the same for my blog! Look at the left of my blog!

  5. What about you make a "day page"? This could be a page where every friday for example(any day)you make a post about what chobots should dress up as or be on that day (Christmas day etc.). On this page you could also organize or make up activities that could go along with this theme. For example: chobot crosswords, puzzles, find-a-words and things that people could participate in on chobots such as: "get people to make the shape of a present to symbolize christmas".

    Some other suggestions are: recruiting more authors (you could post about this), putting more pictures in your posts and in your sidebars (people like looking at pictures), writing in different colours,and doing more advertising and having parties on chobots. You really need to interact with more people on chobots and advertise your blog because not many people know about it.

  6. I have another suggestion.

    You could organize a page where chobots could send in their artwork, comics, scrapbooks, newspapers etc. from other competitions they have entered. You could then post these onto your blog for people to look at.

  7. I have 2 more.You could like be a blog author on someones blog or follow their blog.

  8. Well.. may I tell something? Hope you dont think its rude... :S
    Ever since the new temp/ header came.. I havent really liked the blog. I thought it became a little boring. :(
    Thats why I havent been checking out the blog as much.
    I get bored of the template, it isnt fun and flashy like you want it to be.
