Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ask Me....?

Hey guys, I'm having an "Ask Coffee" thingy. It won't be a live video, here's how it works: you post a MAXIMUM of THREE questions in a comment and I could possibly answer one. I will make a post answering questions. They can be about me or anything that relates to Chobots. Please no personal info (phone number, last name, address ect). So get askin', and remember only 3 questions so once you post 3, no more! I am not sure how many questions I will answer, it depends how many I get and how good they are. That's all!

UPDATED: P.S. Here's a random quickee contest! what is this symbol: =3 hint: the first line is a plate, and like most symbols this one is sideways and the 3 is not a mouth. The symbol is a symbol of a type of food.. Winner gets 600 bugs :P


  1. How mant Chobots Friends do u have? =3 this means Like scared or puzzeled. Hope i win

    1.What do u think of mimo?
    2.Why is ur name coffee?
    3.What did come first The chicken or the egg?
    i think that =3 means feeling weird or its just an emote 2 say after someone SAYS something weird or unknown.
    Remember the name!(or else x)

  3. How come zarich does't post
    how come u don't make anymore polls
    can we have more music in the mixpod?

    and =3 means idk, wandering, scared

  4. lol
    1.why did william get mod boots?
    2.what`s ur fav type of coffee? u like cookies? XD

    and i don`t kno XD maybe a mushroom if it`s a food XD

  5. Uuh Idk D:

    And I don't have any questions :P


  6. 1. How are you such a good artist xD
    2. What does =3 mean? :P
    3. Do you actully like coffee? (the drink?)

  7. 1.) What would your reaction be if you were asked to be a moderator that could use the magic?
    2.) What's your favorite TV Show?
    3.) How did you get out when you were stuck in HQ?
    And I think =3 means a nervous smile or something like that =)
