Friday, February 12, 2010


Well, I'm going to leave that finished poll up for a while (reeter/zarich don't delete it!) so that we can have contests in the order that they won! Our first contest will be a drawing one, but I will have to think up an exciting thing to draw. Stay tuned!

Also, vote on what you think the room that is "under construction" on the map will be! Just click on the map, and look at the place below your home. It says "under construction"! Hmmmm....



  1. I say the underconstruction area on the mpa is eathier going to be one of these 3 places
    1. Beach
    2. Citezens area
    3. BANK


  2. hmmm i shouldve put bank instead of other!! i knew i was forgetting one... but they already have citizens room :)
