And I'm really sorry if you haven't gotten your prize like I promised, I'm just really busy lately!
New citizen items! AWESOME! They all look so cool! I really want the hat, how about you? And the polar bear suit is ABSOLUTELY adorable! I wonder what is in the present bag.... maybe a delicious pie or some moofins? Lol, I wish I could open it!
Next, please check out, it is a new Chobots site!
Let's see, what else is new? There is a sweet battle contest! Only 4 days left, good luck!
And I made this cool poem to help people become agents, just remember this when you face a nicho!
Always be nice, Always think twice!
Never be mean, Keep your language clean!
Keep a good reputation, Respect the Chobots nation!
Help Chobots, young or old, When fighting a Nicho, try to stay bold!
Always stay calm and don’t insult a bad Chobot, Maybe you’ll end up being friends, and have the same level Robot!
Make a cool Chobots blog, It’s like an online journal or log!
Write a nice poem or make cool art, Agents and Chobots, they can’t stay apart!
Get a few recommendations, And when someone wins a game, say congratulations!
If you want to be an agent it takes hard work, But nice Chobots can do it if they have some perk!
So that's all for now, bye everyone!