Monday, January 4, 2010


Well guys, a lot of you request Zarich coming to parties, the answer is: I have no clue! Zarich doesn't come on much, and me and reeter and him are all in different time zones I'm pretty sure. Well, I know I'm in a diff. time zone than Zar. He was on the other day while I was sound asleep, so I think that proves it. So I'll try to contact him about a party soon! I promise I will keep you updated. I promise a party SOON! As SOON as I can get in contact with Zarich! :D!!
And a reminder, the new header contest is still going! Please enter! :D!
And check out the chobots forums! it's an easy way to get help with out clogging up the support inbox! Just remember that you can still use support email, but only for some questions. Like, changing password info and stuff! So check out the forums!!! They are fun for other stuff too!
We are NEARING 150 followers! I spy with my Chobots eye... A BIG PARTY AHEAD! Keep following and checking blog for updates!
-coffee2353 (you can call me decaf)
p.s. how many Chobots would you estimate were at the party? I'm curious to know how it went... lol! Was reeter there? Bye!


  1. what party?I wasn't at party so idk,but if Zarich comes back plz tell him we miss him and tell him to trow a party!he didn't log in 2 days idk how can he not play this game every day lol.When I wake up I play chobots,I just cant resist,I am almost all day on line,only when I sleep im off(lolz).O,and if you see Zarich tell him that little98miss said "hiiiii"


  2. dont think anyone when i checked noone was there ...

  3. I will surely convey that message little98miss :] but also, zarich only works for Chobots on the weekends I think! And he has actually gone more than 20 days not on Chobots, so this is good. Also Zarich is almost 100! We HAVE to party!
