Tuesday, June 29, 2010

For ny contest on top chobots

I remember the first day i joined chobots.It was a winter morning(friday)and my brother told me look what i found on mimo777's website.And then he showed me chobots for the first time.He asked me if he should make me a account i said this is 1000 times better then clubpenguin i joining this right now!.Then it was a big problem it was time for a name!My brother said what about Reader i said i didn't like it so then i said Reeter so thats how i found about chobots.Then i quit chobots for about 30 days but after that i kept on playing until
today!I have lots of friends but these people are my best friends :)My first friend i made was caca7 he was a true friend but he started not to come online much then my next best friend was zoozach7 he was the most epicly awsome ;) he lasted like a year lol but now he had to go to camp ;( i will miss him so much now i have a new best friend named sk8erman he helps me whenever i neeed somthing thank you so much sk8erman i hope he will last forever :).My sadest time on chobots is when mezk and go! quit because they were a part on chobots and when they quit chobots was never the same.What i love about chobots is u meet nice people and awlwways make friends!!And i hope i can play chobots until vayersoft the company closes it Thank you so much chobots team :)


  1. Foo foo foo! I remember when I first joined Chobots sorda ;]


  2. Yea chobots is the best game eva i remember the good times!!!
    GO ZARICH!!!
